Value for money

Within the present educational climate, with lots of schools facing crucial spending cuts, many schools have looked at their budgets and areas where they can save. Schools have looked at what they have been spending on staff training and CPD and how they can get better value for money. The traditional concept of teachers going on courses for the day and being replaced by a temporary cover teacher is becoming a thing of the past – this method is becoming very expensive and ineffective in terms of whole-school impact.

Ofsted has no particular preferred method or approach towards training and CPD; however, inspectors will want to see summative evidence of training and CPD to support any judgements on teaching and learning, leadership and management, and overall effectiveness.

Our CPD courses

Our courses can be taken at anytime that best fits the needs of the school, such as during PPA time, staff meetings or INSET days. The cost of our online courses is significantly less expensive than a day course, yet the quality is of the same high standard – plus there is no need to cover a teacher being out of school either. All of our courses have a certificate of completion for CPD records that can be printed out or downloaded. If multiple members of staff need to take the same course, we offer discounts to allow additional members of staff take the course, making the training extremely cost-effective – particularly when training is essential for all members of the school community. Allocation to the course seats are managed by someone in school who can also monitor the completion records and progress data of all learners.

The only down-side to online courses is that there’s no lunch. Sorry about that!

What schools are telling us about CPD provision

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